What do you know about sodium acetate?

See sodium acetat this substance you may feel very strange, but in fact, sodium acetate in industry and daily life play a big role.

In the industry will be called sodium acetate sodium acetate, it can improve the use of wastewater, this substance in sewage treatment role can not be underestimated. So in the specific environmental industry can play what role?


1. Can stabilize the water quality because the sewage contains nitrite and phosphorus two substances, so use sodium acetate to neutralize these two substances in the sewage, a small amount of industrial-grade sodium acetate can be used to test the appropriate amount for different water sources.

2. Adjust PH we all know that alkaline and acidic ions can reflect, in the sewage treatment of some factories to take advantage of this, it can be a good adjustment of PH.

3. As we all know, there are certain standards for wastewater treatment and discharge in our country, and failure to meet these standards will cause a great deal of environmental pollution, in order to meet the highest standards set by the emission countries, sodium acetate must be added as a carbon source.

In fact, sodium acetate was not first used in the environmental protection industry. It is used more in the printing and dyeing industry. With the increasing number of chemical plants, the demand for wastewater treatment has been relatively large in recent years, because chemical plants need sodium acetate to improve wastewater treatment.主图3 主图4主图4

First, the food industry, sodium acetate in daily life can be used as a preservative to use, some small snacks can see its shadow on the ingredients, because it can help stabilize the PH value of food, can be used as a food and microbial buffer, but also improve the taste of food, some bed frame prefer to use it. Sodium acetate is also widely used in other industries, such as pharmaceuticals, industrial catalysts, and preparation of energy storage materials, it can be seen in industry, commerce, production has played a great role. Sodium acetate is used in many fields, which leads to an increasing number of transactions every year. Many people buy sodium acetate and do not store it. Here’s how to store it:

1. Store in a dry, airtight condition.

2. With the lining of plastic bags, woven bags to packaging, transport should pay attention to its moisture-proof measures, because sodium acetate is more afraid of moisture, it can not be exposed to the sun and rain, it is recommended that transport must be made rain-proof cover.

Post time: Mar-03-2023